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risk management

system outages, poor communication. a sign of underlying problems that put your business at risk

When IT doesn't work, it is often a sign of an underlying problem that needs to be addressed. When you couple that with bad customer service, it makes you wonder.. What else isn't being done correctly?
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Case Study - Tourism Saskatchewan. Picture of a moose by a saskatchewan river
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digital transformation

Streamlining near hit safe act incident reporting through digital transformation

The Prince Rupert Pipeline project was looking for a way to streamline field data collection for construction related activities. The companies existing SAP system was comprehensive but was not a good fit for reporting incidents from the field as data collection was required from not only employees, but also contractors and subcontractors working on the project.
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digital transformation

how the city of north battleford improved citizen services while Reducing their Operational Costs

The City of North Battleford was challenged with a high number of service disconnections that was taking away from the important work they needed to perform on their water distribution network.

Working with Lexcom, a new Voice and SMS Notification System notified citizens of pending disconnections which resulted in fewer disconnections, happier citizens and major savings.
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Internet of things


The City of El Paso Water Utilities maintenance team was looking for a way to streamline the data collection for transient pressure events. The company had a significant investment in legacy transient pressure sensors throughout its water distribution network. The system was comprehensive but data collection had to be performed by physically driving to each location and manually downloading the data from the sensors for analysis. Lexcom assisted them to connect with legacy transient pressure sensors to the cloud for real time visibility.
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hockey official
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digital transformation

Using Digital Tools to Improve Hockey Officiating

Saskatchewan Hockey was looking to improve hockey officiating by incorporating digital tools to train and evaluate hockey officials.

Together, Saskatchewan Hockey and Lexcom embarked on a journey to transformed officiating using digital tools. Learn ab out what you can do to transform your business with online training and performance management systems.

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We will work with you to understand your business and some of the challenges you are facing.

From there we you will get a fresh perspective on what we feel we can do to optimize your business processes.

Having worked across many different industries there are many problems that we have already encountered. We apply cross industry, help you implement best practices and new trends, while also providing some insight into the security and reliability of your IT systems.

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